Arthritis is an incurable disease in the elderly but following a planned diet, we can fight inflammation, strengthen bones and boost the immune system. In this post, we will be discussing the planned diet for rheumatoid arthritis.
In Ayurveda, Arthritis is called Vatrakhta i.e. an imbalance affecting blood tissue. The bone disorder strikes when abnormal metabolism of a body protein named purine starts to increase uric acid in the blood. Consequently, uric acid crystals begin to deposit in tissues and in the joints.
Food role in RH Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis affects hands, fingers, and all joints. Slowly, it affects the entire body. Swelling in the joints and pain in the hands and feet is the typical symptom of arthritis disease.
Food or diet has an important role in arthritis. This correct diet for rheumatoid arthritis helps to minimize the suffering. On the other hand, consuming foods bad for arthritis can aggravate your problem.
Diet for rheumatoid arthritis that benefits
A right diet can improve arthritis symptoms.
Many studies have proved positive influence of dietary habits and nutritional supplements on arthritis.
Find about the foods that benefit in Arthritis-

1. Broccoli
Broccoli is a nutritious green vegetable that everyone needs to eat.
It not only excludes the toxic substance from the body but also keeps your skin right.
Scientists suspect that vitamin K present in broccoli can slow or help prevent the disease.
In fact, it has a compound called sulforaphane which researchers have found to prevent the progression of osteoarthritis. Besides, Broccoli is also rich in calcium which has bone-building properties.
So, if you take broccoli in your daily diet, it is surely going to improve your arthritis problem.
2. Arthritis Medicine – Omega-3 Fatty Acid
Omega-3 fatty acids have various types of health benefits due to their anti-inflammatory properties.
As a result, Omega-3 fatty acids are incredibly important for your body and mind.
Many types of research show that omega-3 fatty acids can prevent inflammation in the body and reduce the symptoms associated with arthritis.
For this reason, you should eat an anti-inflammatory diet for arthritis like – old barley, wheat, cereals, and walnuts.
3. Vitamin D is the treatment of arthritis
Vitamin D is sometimes called sunshine vitamin because it is generated in your skin in response to sunlight.
If you do not spend enough time in the sun then there a lack of vitamin D in your body.
If you include vitamin D in your diet, you can prevent the development of arthritis.
Additionally, certain dairy products, orange juice, soy milk and grains also helps to fulfill vitamin D’s deficiency.
4. Olive oil for Rheumatoid arthritis
Olive oil in diet can have a beneficial effect in rheumatoid arthritis. The oil is also very beneficial for diabetes, heart problems, high cholesterol, weight loss, metabolism, digestion.
Especially, Olive oil is very beneficial in arthritis due to its anti-inflammatory properties.
A compound called oleocanthal present in olive oil relieves in arthritis pain in a similar fashion like ibuprofen and aspirin, but naturally.
5. Ginger Relieves Pain
Ginger is used in the treatment of colds, nausea, headache and high blood pressure for thousands of years.
Apart from this, ginger is the best remedy for arthritis.
Inflammatory properties of ginger work to relieve the pain in rheumatoid arthritis.
Ginger is a natural nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (COX-2) diet which blocks the enzyme responsible for inflammation and pain in arthritis.
Add grated ginger over a salad or put it in tea to get the benefits.
6. Vitamin C
Vitamin C helps to repair and regenerate tissues.
On the other hand, It also helps in preventing heart disease and preventing scurvy.
Vitamin C indirectly affects synthesis of a protein involved in joint tissue and bone repair.
In this case, it fights infection and restricts inflammation linked to infection.
A study says, that you can reduce the risk of developing the risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, by 30% with intake of vitamin C.
7. Anthocyanin-rich foods
The antioxidant anthocyanins are the pigments that give red, purple, and blue plants their rich coloring.
They also have anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-cancer properties.
Cherries, Blackberry, Raspberry, Strawberries, Grapes, and Brinjal are all natural sources of anthocyanin.
Eat them regularly, you will get lots of benefits in arthritis.
8. Beta-Cryptoxanthin
Beta-Cryptoxanthin is a powerful antioxidant of the carotenoid family. It is a common carotenoid that is found in the fruit.
Beta-Cryptoxanthin is a major source of vitamin A.
Foods rich in beta-cryptoxanthin nutrients like carrots, tangerines, persimmons, and oranges helps to prevent rheumatism as well as decrease the pain.
9.Fat-less diet
According to UK research increased fats in the body increases inflammation.
This can cause increased swelling in your joints and tissues.
It has been witnessed that arthritis of people increases over time.
Ironically, arthritis also occurs at a young age.
Less body weight in arthritis equals less pain. It also improves joint movement.
Foods Bad for Arthritis
It’s always good to know about what foods to avoid when you have arthritis.
With that knowledge, we can avoid the pain from inflammation that these foods cause.

1. Red meat is bad for arthritis
If you often consume red meat, then the pain of arthritis can also increase.
The high levels of saturated fat in red meat increases inflammation in arthritis patient.
In particular, arachidonic acid in red meat is making pro-inflammatory hormone responsible for pain and swelling.
Moreover, it also causes obesity which can worsen your sufferings.
To be precise, Avoid eating red meat.
Apart from this, an excess of fish consumption should also be avoided in arthritis.
In essence, only certain fish varieties like salmon or tuna fish are rich in pain relieving omega-3 fatty acids.
On the other hand, fishes like roe (fish eggs), trout, anchovies, codfish, haddock, herring, mackerel, mussels, sardines, and scallops should be avoided due to high uric acid producing purine in them.
2. Avoid fried and processed foods
When we talk about the preventive diet in Arthritis, we must avoid deep-fried or processed food.
Especially, food fried in vegetable oils which are high in fatty acids.
Olive oil is, again, a slightly better choice over normal vegetable oils.
3. Sugary drinks worsen arthritis
Soda found in sugary beverages increase the probability of developing or inflaming arthritic conditions.
So, avoid drinking sugary drinks like cola, caffeine-free cola, and other sugar-sweetened carbonated sodas in excess.
Instead, you should opt pure water, herbal tea and fruit juices, except – orange juice.
4. Cheese and Arthritis
Foods high in saturated fats like cheese and full-fat dairy products can contribute to pain in arthritis.
Consequently, Cheese and butter are some of the dairy products which contain proteins responsible for affecting inflammation of the tissues present around the joints.
5. Yes, Coffee is bad for Arthritis
In contrast to, the common belief, a study on more than 25,000 people in Finland has proved that coffee aids in Rheumatoid arthritis aggravation.
In short, making a distance with coffee is beneficial in arthritis.
As a matter of fact, coffee can increase inflammation in arthritis.
Green tea and herbal tea instead of coffee is a better choice.
6. Cigarette aggravates Arthritis
Cigarette smoking is considered an established risk factor for the development and aggravation of rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
Additionally, alcohol and pan masala are some of the things that cause great damage to the liver and lungs.
In fact, they trigger another form of arthritis called gout which affects joints.
7. Excess Salt intake
People with arthritis should not consume foods that are high in salt.
Excessive salt intake can cause a range of side effects including inflammation and high blood pressure.
Therefore, Take a low quantity of salt in your daily diet.
8. Tomato’s cause inflammation
Tomatoes triggers joint pain according to recent researches.
While earlier it was thought to be anti-inflammatory it now is seen to promote gout.
Eating tomatoes increase uric acid level in the blood, a factor – long been known for triggering/aggravating inflammation of joints arthritis.

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