Are you trying to lose weight? Do you want to know how to walk to lose weight?
Well, walking to lose weight has many benefits, including the fact that it doesn’t require any equipment or special facilities, can be done indoors or outdoors, and can be easily integrated into any schedule.
If you’re not sure how to start walking to lose weight, this guide will give you all the information you need to do so successfully.
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Walking is Better Than Running
When it comes to losing weight, it’s no secret that running is a far superior exercise than walking.
The problem is that most people just don’t want to run. It seems like an easy solution for those looking for a fat loss program—just walk instead of run—but you might be surprised by how many calories walking can burn over time.
In fact, according to some studies, walking is just as effective at fat loss as running and has less of an impact on your joints and bones.
Walking Helps You Burn Fat
When most people think of fat loss, they think of fad diets, grueling gym sessions, or hundreds of crunches.
But you don’t have to burn hundreds of calories a day on a walk; you just need to keep moving. Walking is one of the popular fat-burning exercises.
A typical 180-pound man can burn off as many as 324 calories per hour walking at a brisk pace (3 miles per hour). That’s like walking two miles!
Why Not Start Now?
The idea of going for a walk seems boring, doesn’t it?
However, when you look at it from a different perspective, walking is one of the most effective ways to lose weight.
If you want long-term results in losing weight, try walking as your strategy instead of opting for short but ineffective workouts.
Walking Burns More Calories Than Running
According to a study conducted by Stanford University, walking at a brisk pace of 3.5 miles per hour burns more calories than running at an 8-minute mile pace.
It’s important to note that while walking may burn fewer calories than running, it can be done for longer durations with less risk of injury. In other words, it’s much easier to walk all day than run all day.
For that reason, walking is a perfect exercise for beginners looking to lose weight.
Planning Your Route in Advance
To burn as many calories as possible, make sure your route is planned in advance so you know where you’re going. You should also plan your walking speed in advance, which will help motivate you to complete your walk.
Start by finding a pace that feels relatively comfortable—you should be able to hold a conversation while walking at this pace—and then work up from there.
If it feels too slow, try walking faster; if it feels too fast, slow down until it feels right.
What to Wear When Walking
When starting a walking program, it’s important to wear shoes that feel comfortable.
Over time, you’ll need to find comfortable pants or shorts. Some people prefer spandex, but others like loose-fitting track pants.
Avoid loose clothing; a snug fit is best because your clothes can snag on bushes or tree branches while you walk. Wear light clothes so they don’t make you sweat too much when exercising outside in warmer weather.
The Importance of Hydration
Water is an effective tool for losing weight. Drinking at least eight glasses of water per day will promote circulation, which speeds up your metabolism by helping your body digest food more quickly.
It also helps you feel full, so you’re less likely to overindulge when you eat.
Tips for Safe, Enjoyable Walks
To start walking more often, get yourself a pedometer or install any mobile app for the purpose. Then, aim for 10,000 steps per day (that’s around five miles).
This will get you in better shape; it’ll also help you establish good habits that could be carried over into a new exercise routine.

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